
Recommended Counter Overhang

One benefit of selecting a Palmer console, is that we will fabricate your console to fit your sink top . . . with virtually no restrictions for sizing.  When sizing a console for a given sink top, we inset the legs on the front and sides so that the counter top projects some distance beyond the legs.  That distance, the “overhang” of the counter, is the dimension you will want to specify as a design consideration. Our customers often ask us for a recommended dimension for the counter overhang.  The short answer is 1”-2”, based on your design preference.

In general, for smaller counter top widths of 24” or less, a 1” overhang is recommended.  For counter tops 24”-35”(W), an overhang of 1-1/2” works well.  And for counters that are 36” or wider, we recommend a 2”overhang.

One additional consideration is the type of top cap for the given leg style.  Some of our leg styles (Tapered Foot, Tapered Leg, and Bun Foot) utilize a decorative top cap, which has a profile that flares out 3/8” at the top. So if we were to specify a 1” overlap with a leg system that has a decorative top cap, the outermost edge of the top cap will be just 5/8” from the edge of the counter . . . . certainly acceptable, but perhaps a bit tight visually.  A good rule of thumb is to allow a minimum of 1-1/2” overlap when using a leg system that has a decorative top cap.